Spring 2025 Conference 

Harrah's Cherokee Casino & Hotel

 Date: April 6 - 9, 2025



 Greetings NCASFAA,

 We are looking forward to spending time with you during our spring 2025 conference in the lovely Cherokee, NC. It will be a great time to see our colleagues and our wonderful professional affiliates. This conference theme is “Climbing higher together – EMPOWERMENT, elevating each other for success”. We hope that this conference will provide professional development and learning from each other especially during a time when financial aid seems to be so new to all. The Conference Committee has been working diligently to provide an informative conference that we hope you will enjoy! 

Our conference charity this year will be Society for Women’s Health Research. We hope that you will be willing to donate items to our silent auction to help support our President's charity of choice. If you have items that you would like to donate, please connect with Janee, [email protected]We cannot wait to see you all at the spring 2025 conference!

Michelle Hemmer/ 2024-2024 Conference Chair




  Registration & Hotel Information 


  NCASFAA Spring 2025 Conference Registration Form

Registration Fee: $275

 Book your room: Harrah's Cherokee Casino & Hotel

The number to call to make reservations directly with the property is 1-800-CAESARS. Guests should reference their group code to book at the group rate. The group code to reference is S04SFAA.


Charity:  Society for Women's Health Research 

 As a national thought leader dedicated to advancing women’s health and promoting research on sex differences to optimize women’s health, the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR) plays a critical role in identifying clinical and research gaps; raising awareness of diseases, conditions, and life stages that differently, disproportionately, or exclusively affect women; and promoting policies that could positively shape health outcomes for women. Over its more than 30-year history, SWHR has been advancing women’s health through its core functions of science, policy, and education

Advance women’s health through science, policy, and education while promoting research on sex differences to optimize women’s health.




Future Conference Dates: