The leadership and administrative responsibility of the Association shall be vested in the elected officers, members at large, the standing committee chairpersons, and such other persons holding appointive positions as may, in the judgment of the President, serve the interests of the Association.
President: Lee Bray, Pitt Community College

President-Elect: Tracy Rapp, Haywood Community College

Past President: Rachel Cavenaugh, Cape Fear Community College

Vice President: Tamara "Nikki" Glaspie, Cape Fear Community College

Treasurer: Emily Jarrett, Richmond Community College

Secretary: Keats Ellis, Robeson Community College
Budget & Finance Chair: Dr. Sharon Oliver, North Carolina Central University

Conference Chair (Fall & Spring): Michelle Hemmer, NCSEAA

Membership Chair: Lori Lewis, Duke University

Legislative Advisory Chair: Sherlock McDougald, Edgecombe Community College

Diversity/Global Issues Chair: Cecil Outlaw, Duke University

Intermediate Aid Officers Chair: Andrea Blount
Training Webinars - Lisa Koretoff, Guilford Tech Community College

Professional Affiliates Chair: Casey Wallen, Sallie Mae

Publicity & Publications Chair: Madison Vance, Lees McRae College

Site Selection Chair: Janee Knippenberg, PNC Bank

State Agency Liaison: Shawn Henderson, NCSEAA
State & High School Relations Chair: Ann Guevermont, Wake Tech Community College

Technology Chairs:
Zilma Lopes, Robeson Community College

Stephen McLeon, CFI

2 Year Public Sector Chair: Hannah Golding, McDowell Technical Community College

4 Year Public Sector Chair: Fred Holding, University of North Carolina - Wilmington

Independent Rep: Derrick Everhart, Warren Wilson College

Proprietary Rep - Vacant |